Dreamt up by 7-year old Harper Miller, the Dream Pillow helps kids dream good dreams. To help her brother sleep "happy" she would encourage him to use his imagination to craft stories that he wished to dream. They would imagine what it feels like to swim with the dolphins, this technique allowed them both to realise they are in charge of their dreams. And more, if children can change their dreams with the power of positive thinking, what else can they do when they simply dream big.

"Nightmares are thought to be caused by manifestation. A child’s thoughts and worries before bedtime can lead to bad dreams. By writing, visualising and drawing their hopes, aspirations, and good dreams before going to bed, this can help to end the bad dreams. Children can write these down on the special pad and then put their dream note into the pillow whilst they sleep."
Bizzie Baby 2020 gold award (sleep aid category)
Each night My Daughter ( Poppy age 3 ) loves choosing bedtime a dream and she likes to draw it or will ask myself or her Dad what she would like to dream about and she will ask us to draw it, she gets very excited it`s now part of her bedtime routine. My Daughter did bond with her Lamby and absolutely loves it she doesn`t just sleep with her, she goes everywhere with her! - Victoria Symons
Great idea and a fun easy concept for children to understand (Bella age 5) actively asked to draw her picture or sometimes she asked us to draw a surprised picture. She found it really fun. We had lots of discussions about the crazy fun things she wanted to dream of Bella came up with some great imaginative ideas. Bella would take this to bed every night she would remind us if we forgot to do it! she also loved using it as a snuggly comfy cushion for bedtime. Very good quality. I love that it is cotton and not polyester. - Emily Henderson
It feels amazing. Well packaged lovely design and appealing to kids. Fantastic idea, rather than them going to bed worrying, they are focusing on their dreams. Well thought out instructions and simply put for the child to understand. My son Corie ( age 9 ) just loved his dream pillow. He loves to make up stories so this was fantastic for him. This did help comfort him at night especially the softness as this was a huge comfort to him he loved to snuggle up to his pillow. My son did bond with his dream pillow I found that he started to bring it downstairs with him in the morning this did help him get a good nights sleep and he isn`t talking in his sleep anywhere near as much now. My son loves writting stories so this has pushed him fruther his imagination my son will sit with both hands furtherfurther inside it as though it was a hand muff hands further superb value for money as a decent sleep at night is priceless. -Jacquline Southam
"I found it an easy concept to grasp and so did Harlow. When I showed her the box and explained what Pinkie was for she got on board straight away and couldn't wait to try it out. We've had Pinkie with us for a month now and it's a firm fixture at bedtime for miss madam. Pinkie even has a special place on her bed during the day when she's at school so that's always a good sign. Harlow recently had some bad dreams and has been worrying a lot about people passing away (I'm sure they all go through a phase of this) but I feel the dream pillow has really helped alleviate some of that anxiety and steered her towards concentrating on having good dreams and happy thoughts."
"The Day Dreamimal works in a slightly different way to the Dream Pillow. With Dream Pillow, you get a little cloud-shaped block of dream cards to write down what you'd like to dream about that night and pop in inside before you go to sleep. With Day Dreamimals, it is to be used at the start of the day, writing or drawing your positive thoughts for throughout that day or what you'd like to daydream about. It is sort of like manifesting for the duration of your day. The Day Dreamimals come with a mini-sized block of dream cards so they are perfect for traveling or taking with you on the go."
"It really is a lovely, fun and friendly approach to supporting a child with their feelings, also a great addition to supporting children when it comes to sleep. It offers comfort and encourages children to be forthright with their feelings whether that be through writing or drawing. Perfect for positive thinking and reassurance in children too! Overall, we are really impressed and we love how Dreamimals encourage and instill a healthy mind in children!"
"The idea behind these Day Dreamimals is that your child can use them to help promote positive thinking through daydreams. Each Dreamimal comes with little Dream Wish notes in the shape of clouds. Your child then writes or draws on them a positive thought, dream or wish for the day. They can then fold the note up & slip it inside their Dreamimal, keeping it nice & safe. They can take their Dreamimal out & about with them, along with their wish, giving them something positive to focus on rather than any worrisome thoughts they may have."
"As soon as Pinkie arrived, Spike understood what to do. She was writing down what her wishes and dreams were instant. She wrote about nice times at school, about cuddles with family and how much she wanted sweets. Such innocent wishes but at 4 years old, they are going to be. She needed help with the spelling, obviously, but I love that it gave her the chance to practice that too."
"Starting the day this way is a great way for a child to have more a positive outlook on the day, and also hopefully be focusing on the daydream rather than any troubles they may have. The Day Dreamimal is a also a keyring, so they can hang it on their bag so their daydream stays with them all day. When they look at their Dreamimal, they will then be reminded about the daydream. Lily decided to draw "cuddles with mummy" on hers."
"The key charm version we have is for day time use, to encourage children to start the day feeling positive. You get the child to draw their wish on the little pad then tuck it inside their charm. They then take it with them wherever they go to daydream about it throughout the day. How cute is that?!"
"My daughter had been complaining that she was having scary dreams even though she slept sound but the trouble was getting her to sleep.
This had been going on for quite some time and I had tried homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, massage...I was really beginning to lose faith and patience...came across this little wonder...ooh my days....how life changed!!!! In the matter of 2 nights, we have a little girl who is looking forward to bed again. It allows her to feel in control of her dreams..now she states "I'm gonna show the dreams who's boss!!"
To be honest, at the price I was a little worried that it will be a waste of money and another thing to put on the 'at least we tried it' pile...but it is used every night...now don't get me wrong we still have wobbles but nothing compared to before. I have added a photo for a size comparison compared to a standard pillow. It's a perfect size to bring on sleepovers at grandparents and on holiday too!!! I hope it works for you...xx
Good luck mums and dads...remember we are all in this together...none of us have a clue what we are doing!!!!!
"First up, my son absolutely loves his Dream Pillow. Sharkie is the perfect plush to snuggle into and to be able to put your arm through the plush is a genius idea. We’ve also really enjoyed talking about dreams and discussing what we would like to dream about in night. Visualising the dreams and creating positive imagery has been a great addition to our bedtime routine.
My son still isn’t sleeping through the night but he is waking less and getting easier to settle. Whether related to the Dream Pillow I don’t know, but I expect so, and at just £22.94 for the dream pillow box with plush and idea cards, it’s excellent value."
"Getting children to want to go to sleep is always tricky and then sometimes getting them to stay asleep is just as hard. There are so many things that you have probably tried and a lot of them may fail, but have you ever thought about how all the senses could come into play when it comes to sleep?
Research has shown that there are ways that you can use sense to help your child settle, and that having the right environment and routine for the senses can really help. So how do we use all these senses to help our child sleep?"
"At the age of 5, E has a wonderful imagination which calls for fantastic stories and drawings. One downfall can be that at bedtime, it can run a bit wild and cause nightmares if she thinks of scary things.
The idea behind the Dream Pillow is to encourage your children to think of positive, happy things before bed to hopefully manifest them in their dreams. Children thrive on visuals so it wasn't enough to just think them, it is nice to have a physical object to cuddle up to as well.
The Dream Pillow comes in two different Dreamimals; Sharkie and Lamby, and I knew E would love the lamb so I opted for the latter.
The pillow is shaped a bit like a hand muff so you pop your drawing inside and hopefully whatever you've drawn will appear in your dreams. She did wake the following morning saying she dreamt of " a million doggies kissing her" which was, in fact, one of her drawings so I'll take that as a win! The fortune-teller comes in handy to give your child some ideas of what to draw because as the days go on, it might be a bit difficult for them to think of new things."
"Getting children to sleep and staying asleep is like the holy grail, isn’t it? Some night waking and sleep problems are bound to happen and are normal, but there are things we can do to help. Turning off devices and TV an hour before bedtime, a good night time routine and plenty of one on one time and activity during the day can help but remember we have five senses, and all of them can be used to assist in getting a restful night’s sleep. The 6th sense is called The Common Sense and is spending time with your child before bed. The Dream pillow is a great way to do this.
I gave it to Phoebe, because she worries about having bad dreams at night. I remember myself as a child having a recurring nightmare which was awful. The way the dream pillow works is the child writes down their ideal dream on the cloud notepad, then puts it inside the dream pillow. When they go to sleep with this mindset, they will hopefully have a good dream, or at least go to sleep not worrying about the night ahead. Here’s Lily’s little learners with a video explaining how we can get the five senses to work together for a good night’s sleep."
"If you have a child who struggles to sleep it can be so draining as a parent. Day in day out you are tired and having to work at the same time can be impossible. If you know what I am talking about then you will love this post."
"I think this super-soft pillow is a lovely addition to our bedtime routine. It’s definitely helped calm down my (usually a little wild) child and I believe it’s helped with bonding too. Getting a peaceful night’s sleep is essential at any age, and giving young children the tools to do so will set them up for life.
I’d recommend this pillow to anyone who has an interest in encouraging a peaceful sleep for their child. I also think it’s a great nightly bonding exercise that can help children feel secure, which in turn is often confidence-boosting!"
"Getting children to sleep and staying asleep is like the holy grail, isn’t it? Some night waking and sleep problems are bound to happen and are normal, but there are things we can do to help. Turning off devices and TV an hour before bedtime, a good night time routine and plenty of one on one time and activity during the day can help (more info here), but remember we have five senses, and all of them can be used to assist in getting a restful night’s sleep. The 6th sense is called The Common Sense and is spending time with your child before bed. The Dream pillow is a great way to do this."
"Changed our bedtime routine - This product is great! Not only does it come with a soft pillow but it comes with a book about dreams and a pad of paper for kids to write down what they want to dream about. I didn't realize when I ordered this that one of the uses for this product is to help kids who have nightmare have better dreams. I bought this to replace a favorite stuffed animal that we lost. I have 2 boys and they don't have nightmares but they love this pillow. My boys like that they can write down what they want to dream about and as part of our bedtime routine we now talk about what they want their dreams to be and they imagine all sorts of fun stories. I love the creativity they are having and this has replaced our previous routine of watching short videos before bed. My only challenge is that they fight over who gets a turn with the pillow so we're going to purchase another one!"
The Dream Pillow is a lovely pillow with a difference. Each night before bed, your child writes a dream note and they pop it in the middle of their dream pillow. They can then snuggle up with their pillow and focus on dreaming the dream of their chosen dream through visualisation. George and Molly were super excited to open up their boxes (which can totally be recycled for other craft projects, or kept as a little home for the dream pillows), immediately taking to their new pillow buddies! All-day they told me how they couldn’t wait to use their pillows, and how they couldn’t wait to write down their dream.
" Since our first night with Sharkie, he has taken him to bed every night. Some nights he writes out happy dreams and other nights he says he'll let Sharkie choose what he wants him to dream about. We're still working on the staying in his own bed thing, but for now I am just happy that he is content at night. Sharkie has a lot to do with that I believe. My son has never had a particular bedtime comforter, but now he chooses to sleep with his Dream Pillow every night!
Bedtime is a great time for bonding, and for children to open up about their worries. What we love about the Dream Pillow is how it helps promote positive thinking, confidence, a sense of security and allows children to believe in its ability to banish nightmares. There's a lovely quote on the Dream Pillow website that sums up how thinking good thoughts and visualising them can help in the long term:"